Uttermost part of the earth vision 2020
A joint effort of fundamental Baptist Churches to reach unreached Peoples with the pure Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ through national missionaries.

See millions of people glorifying the true God as they submit to Jesus Christ by participating in local churches and being trained by them to take the Gospel to many more people.

Glorify God by serving national labors, acting as a bridge between them and the churches in Brazil, so that they can more effectively reach groups not yet reached by the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Lord has clearly directed us to use the most effective approach under the current circumstances: to help Indian missionaries reach their own people and fulfill the Great Commission as commanded in Matthew 28:19-20.
1. Using legitimate means to make the Gospel message available to all people groups from all parts of India and neighboring countries.
2. Communicating and cooperating with other Bible-based missions and ministries to create a strategic effort for evangelism, discipleship, and church planting.
3. Offering multiple opportunities to educate pastors and missionaries with sound doctrine.
4. Sharing this missionary vision for national leadership through the establishment of autonomous, self-propagating, and self-sustaining local churches.
5. Helping national leaders teach and motivate their own people to give generously to support their own local ministries as well as to invest in cross-cultural missionary work.