Missionaries we work with

Pr. Amiya Dash Leia mais

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Pr. Bimal Gurung

Ministry with the deaf
and Baptist Church for the Nepali people

Pr. Gyeltsen

Gyeltsen is still single but very dedicated to Evangelism and Leaders Training through short-term seminars and Bible Institutes

Pr. Kahaolung Leia mais
He is no longer working as a missionary as he has gone to work as an assistant pastor in his own mother church. But his economic condition still needs to stabilize. That's why he continues on our list of missionaries.

Pr. Rakesh Leia mais

He is starting a new fellowship in the state of Uttar Pradesh where there is many persecution against Christians. But he does evangelistic work wherever he goes. Leia mais

Pr. Rohit Rai Leia mais
This couple has dedicated their lives to running an orphanage, a school and a church.

Rohit & Jyoti work in the mountainous region of the state of Sikkim This is a state in northeastern India that borders Bhutan, Tibet and Nepal. Part of the Himalayas, the area has beautiful scenery that includes India's highest mountain, Kanchenjunga, at 8,586m. Leia mais