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Be ready to answer God's call, "Whom shall I send?" Surely the Lord does not call everyone to go out into the field and work full-time as missionaries.
However, there are many ways to participate part-time: Teachers, Doctors and Nurses, Tradespeople, Builders, etc. Consider visiting the Indian mission field.

The most important support for missionaries is your Prayer. Pray that the Lord will raise up a great army of evangelists to reach all peoples who have not yet heard of Jesus Christ.
India concentrates the largest number of peoples not yet reached by the Gospel.

Regularly and faithfully support the work of the Lord with your money. Be a tither in your local church. Participate in your church's mission program. And recognizing that we need to be bolder in missions to the unreached ...

Missionaries are human beings with feelings like ours that need to be stimulated through our love. No friendship exists without receiving proof of the love and affection of the other party.
So missionaries need to feel the living bond between themselves and the churches that sent them into the field.
Advantages of Investing in National Missionaries
National missionaries may have some advantages in overcoming cultural and language barriers compared to foreign missionaries. Here are some reasons why this could happen:
- Cultural knowledge: National missionaries often have a deeper understanding of the local culture. They grew up and were raised within that culture, understanding its traditions, beliefs, values, and social norms. This prior knowledge gives them a solid foundation to interact with people more effectively, demonstrating respect and understanding.
- Language fluency: National missionaries are usually fluent in the local language as they grew up speaking it. Language fluency facilitates direct communication with people, eliminating the need for an interpreter or language barriers. This allows them to establish more authentic relationships and better understand the needs and concerns of the people they are interacting with.
- Connections and social networks: National missionaries often already have established social networks within their communities. They have local family, friends, neighbors, and acquaintances who can serve as an entry point for missionary work. These pre-existing connections help build trust and credibility, facilitating the process of bridging cultural barriers.
Cultural acceptance: National missionaries are generally more readily accepted by the local community as they are seen as part of the same culture. People may feel more comfortable sharing their experiences, challenges, and needs with someone who shares the same cultural identity. This creates an environment conducive to dialogue and mutual understanding.
It is important to note that while national missionaries have some advantages, foreign missionaries also play an important role in missionary work.
Their unique perspective and different skill sets can bring valuable contributions to missionary work, complementing the work of national missionaries.
There are several ways in which national missionaries can be sent at a lower cost than Western missionaries. Here are some possibilities:
- Lower travel expenses: National missionaries are often more familiar with the local environment and may have the ability to travel more economically. They can choose to use more accessible local transportation options instead of relying on expensive international flights.
- Lower cost of living: National missionaries typically live in countries where the cost of living is lower than in Western countries. This means their daily expenses such as food, accommodation, and local transportation can be significantly lower.
- Language and cultural knowledge: National missionaries usually already speak the local language and have a deep understanding of the culture, which can eliminate the need for language classes or intensive cultural training that are common for Western missionaries.
- Reduced administrative costs: Local mission organizations may have a leaner and less bureaucratic administrative structure, reducing overall operational costs. Additionally, they may be exempt from taxes or receive special tax benefits in their own country.
- Local support network: National missionaries can rely on a local support network, including churches, religious leaders, and community members, who can provide assistance and additional resources without the need for extra expenses.
- Easier integration: Since national missionaries share the same culture and ethnicity as the local residents, their integration into the community can be smoother, leading to greater efficiency in terms of impact and cost.
It is important to note that these factors may vary depending on the context and specific circumstances of each mission.
The total cost of sending missionaries, whether Western or national, can be influenced by a range of factors including mission duration, location, level of required support, among others.
We want to help empower Indian national workers who have been serving full-time to encourage their churches in India to participate in supporting their own missionaries. This contribution can help these missionaries to pay their rent.