In 1987 I went to pastor the Regular Baptist Congregation of São José dos Pinhais (PR) while planning that one day I would be a missionary to unreached peoples.

As it is written:
"...Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts". Zechariah 4:6

The term Unreached defines a group of individuals in which there is no native community of believers (Christians) capable of evangelizing them. Many of these groups have no knowledge of who God is. They have never heard of His Son Jesus Christ and are totally unaware of the need for salvation.
After attending a Missionary Conference in São Paulo with Pr. John White (author of the book: Arise and Build - Regular Baptist Press) who warned about the need for churches that grow and send missionaries, I understood that God wanted us to stay right there in Curitiba for longer.
The First Regular Baptist Church in Curitiba invited me to pastor it and I was challenged to raise the vision of that church for missionary work.
Thank God, when we left there, 4 and a half years later, the church was developing well and they had advanced a lot, thanks to the work of the pastors who succeeded me.
God continued with His plan and called us to the State of Acre in northern Brazil. We had a very good experience there at Emmanuel Regular Baptist Church in Rio Branco, but only for a year and a half.
Emmanuel Regular Baptist Church
Indeed, it was a transitional experience in our ministry. Where I learned a lot about the value of lay workers who did not attend seminary but who planted churches. As a result of that work, we saw three congregations develop, and that in some way have contributed to our ministry today.
As I left, the assistant pastor who was helping me took the lead.
So, I had the privilege of pastoring the church where I got saved and from where I left to study in the seminary, the First Regular Baptist Church in Caçapava, SP. We were there for six years and I had the privilege of seeing several brothers consecrate themselves for the ministry of the Word of God.
We've had excellent experiences of what pastoral ministry is all about, as well as some very tough experiences as well.
Quando deixei a liderança daquela igreja tinha uma grande expectativa a respeito de ingressar no campo missionário.
Ao receber esse convite, estando em oração, eu e minha esposa não tivemos dúvidas que isso vinha de Deus. Logo a IBR de Marilândia do Sul, PR, pediu a transferência da nossa membresia e fomos para desenvolver a Congregação Batista Regular em Mauá da Serra, PR.
Meus planos foram de auxiliar essa congregação no seu desenvolvimento e levá-la ao ponto de se auto-governar e de se auto-sustentar.. Após quase 7 anos trabalhando nesse objetivo, sentimos que deveríamos entregar novamente essa obra para a Igreja-mãe e voltarmos para o plano original de nos envolvermos com missões aos não-alcançados.
Estamos trabalhando de várias formas, tais como ajudando no treinamento de obreiros, ajudando os evangelistas em seu esforço em difundir o evangelho e plantar igrejas e auxiliando com materiais evangelísticos. Funcionamos dessa forma como uma ponte entre os missionários nacionais e as igrejas brasileiras.